Visitable wineries

Some of the wineries of the Pla de Bages Designation of Origin open their doors to us so that you can taste their wines and see their facilities.

Gibert Caves

With a three-century precedent in winemaking, Caves Gibert was founded in 1920.

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Collbaix El molí winery

Four generations dedicated to the cultivation of the vineyard, initiating a change towards organic production.  

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Heretat Oller del Mas

Wines made with the values ​​that our ancestors have passed on to us: the family, respect for the environment and commitment to the territory.

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Abadal winery

An indispensable visit, both for the beauty of the winery and its environment and for the quality of its vineyards.


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Fargas Fargas winery

A small family business dedicated to the cultivation of the vineyard and the production of its own wines.

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Mas de Sant Iscle

A winery with a great interest in local varieties and a firm commitment to the environment.

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Artés cooperative winery

The winemaking tradition of the Celler Cooperatiu d’Artés is the ancestral heritage that has been passed down from parents to children over time.

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Grau i Grau winery

Passion for wines since 1885, devoting all the effort to achieve the best of each harvest.

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Solergibert winery

Small, controlled and high quality productions by an Artés family that has been dedicated to the vineyard since 1730.

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Colltor wines

Vins Colltor is a small winery located in the middle of nature, with a completely artisanal and sustainable working method.

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Les Acàcies winery

We make wines for the pleasure of reflecting the spirit of a wine-growing land that has been making wine for a thousand years.

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Celler Sanmartí

Una cantina storica, ristrutturata e adattata alla produzione di vini di alta qualità e produzione limitata.


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