The regulatory council

Recognition of the quality of our region’s wines came in 1995 with the creation of the Pla de Bages Denomination of Origin, which spurred a new resurgence.

Among the wineries that today make up the DO are lineages of winegrowers, century-old cooperatives and small family projects. One of the most remarkable collective achievements is the promotion of the native varieties of the territory, such as black and white picapoll, sumoll and mandó.



Sr. Carles Playà Maset



Sr. Josep Maria Claret Ballarà



Sr. Jordi Crusellas Alberch

Sr. Jesús Fonts Bosch

Sr. Ramon Roqueta Segalés

Sr. Oriol Garriga i Solsona

Sra. Anna Berenguer Badia

Sr. Joan Soler i Playà

Sr. Josep Solergibert Serra

Sr. Francesc Margenat Trias

Sr. Xavier Agell Tuser

Sra. Teresa Costa Francitorra


Tècnic enòleg

Sr. Miquel Palau Núñez

Secretary of the Regulatory Council, of the Tasting Committee and the Electoral Board

Mrs. Eva Farré Fustagueras

Comunication and marketing manager

Mrs. Júlia Cano Díaz

Tasting committee

Mr. Jaume Pont Alegre (coordinador)

Mrs. Pilar Garcia Comas

Mr. Josep Pelegrín Comellas

Mr. Joan Sala Pellarès

Mr. Joan Francesc Baltiérrez Alier

Mrs. Carme Domingo Gustems

Mrs. Sílvia Culell Vilanova
Mrs. Anna Castillo Poza
Mrs. Irene Cozas Prieto
Mr. Eduard Cucurella
Mr. Josep Rivera


Specifications of the Protected Designation of Origin Pla de Bages

OD Pla de Bages specifications

ARP/61/2006, 17th february, OD Pla de Bages regulations approved

474/2004, of 28 December, which develops Law 15/2202, of 27 June, on wine management.

LAW 24/2003, of July 10, on Vine and Wine.
Published in the BOE on Friday, July 11, 2003

LAW 15/2002, of 27 June, on wine management (“BOE” 177, of 25/7/2002)
Published in the “Official Gazette of the Generalitat de Catalunya” number 3673, of July 9, 2002

AAR / 251/2007, of 4 July, by which regulates the control of the viticultural production by means of the only viticultural card.